Ondo State police arrest two boys who target High School girls for marathon sex

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Two young men, Tunde Akinwumi, 20 and Tunde Akinboyewa, 25, have been arrested by the police in Ondo State, for allegedly raping an 18-year-old girl and a 14-year-old.

The suspects, who were said to be cult members and ex convicts, were said to have locked the victims inside a house where they were raped through the night. They were arrested following a tip-off in Ondo town. The suspects were said to have been traced to a house where they reportedly gang-raped the victims.

According to reports, the suspects normally visit nightclubs at weekends and make friends with underage girls there and invite them to their homes for the night. Once the victims get to their houses, they are prevented from leaving for days and not until all the five suspected gang members have raped them in turns.

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